Your experience as a benefit towards your incapability

 experience as a benefitThe day I realized that the experience of a man towards a particular discipline or aspect of life count on the level of his knowledge or capability (ability), was the day mine small generator developed a fault, I thought it was as usual, I unloose every part of the generator as a result of the interest I developed in working on it to restore it back to work and after unloosing the generator I washed the engine with  fuel , changed the plug and equally burnt the ensues pipe thinking it was as a result of the excess of carbon in the ensues pipe/dirty, after everything, the generator could not respond to my command, I thought of another method “gazing could be the best ideal” I said to myself, immediately I started gazing to find the solution  there by touching wire, removing and fixing, dreaming and equally hoping if I could be lucky to smile again. Read; a man who never sees it negativity

After doing all I could, the generator refuses to respond to my command and I equally invited my neighbors who are more experienced than I, they brought different ideals, we do all we could to repair, (restoring the generator back to work) spending the hole days but to no avail (no result) it has become a challenge to me, the next step I took was to forward the generator to a mechanic whom I explain everything to, these mechanic saw it as a very great privilege and opportunity of demanding more money from me, rather at that critical moment all my expectation was to see my generator working again (being restored).  After bargaining, he unloose the engine brought out a rubber ring, and finally he attached the rubber ring with a glue gum to it normal position, couple the generator and he started the engine to my surprise the generator start working, I smile again and says to mine self “knowledge is power”.

Another motivation  segment form 
“those who undergo stages to acquire knowledge, possesses the power to handle and overcome it trials, his previous past experience gives him the courage to withstand and overcome his present challenges…in due cause of learning, he must have try and fail, he learn from his past which serve as a source of the information he gather, the knowledge he acquired and the trust he has towards himself, these brings about ones knowledge because knowledge is power”  read; Why many graduates are not gainfully employed

“what you can’t solve you don’t know, your ideal is of limit towards it,.. it simply tells that such problem is bigger than you”

“If you can solve it, then undergoes experience to tackle it, if can tackle it remember there are more challenges ahead that is  bigger than the one you know”

“I was gazing fixing and removing wire hoping to smile rather I couldn't smile because my knowledge is of limit towards my challenges”

“I learnt from the mechanic because I was with him when he resolves the issue, these is a gradual process of acquiring skills and experience which call for one’s knowledge,. To acquire knowledge you must learn from others”


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