The negative outcome
The product of every
effort is it outcome (negative or positive) most are time in our goal setting
you try to achieve a positive result and the outcome seems opposite, the
question is these, why the negative outcome instead of the positive result?
Negative outcome occurs
when there is negative solution confronting it, in this case it simply means
that such person or individual fails in achieving it's goal which brought about
one’s negative outcome.
What is the negative outcome?
- You try to achieve a goal or target but at the end it become a story
- Your mission to succeed was impossible.
These outcomes cripple
the mind of so many, which brings about one being discourage of trying again. “If
you don’t try, how would you succeed?
“ It simply tells that most successful men encounter negative outcome, which
brings about one incapability of
archiving it target, they fail many times.
“A man who never try to
succeed will end up remaining at it state without changes, it simply tells that
such person would never want to succeed or overcome it trials and such an
individual never realize that his incapability of achieving its goal is never
his inability of strengthening it weakness to overcome (becoming successful).”
”To succeed you must encounter negative
circumstances which will confront you inform of challenges, to overcome it you must welcome it because successful people see their challenges as an
opportunity and it takes a courageous one to encourage his/her self in time of
negative circumstances, these call for one persistence, being patient and
patience back with faith.”
You weren't successful because the negative outcome, you weren't happy because of the negative out come, thing you must realize is
that one must not succeed without encountering negative result,. If you always see negativity then will always have the result,. Most successful men and
women today fail many times before they become successful, negative outcome is
the only force that will discourage a man to try again, I might fail many times
but I must try again, even due the outcome of my trial is not bringing positive
result is never an excuse or reason of not trying again… how was the journey towards
your attainment of success? Where you successful? What was the result? Was it
negative or positive?
To succeed in life, you must think positively and work towards
it, men who fail to realize there capability fails their responsibility,.. if
you always see the negative outcome then you must be a friend to negative circumstances,,
I have come across negativity, I have come to realize the impact of it to your self-improvement,
if you never fail then how would you acquire the experience to overcome similar
trials that will confront your way in life, as a student, as a worker, ,in all aspect
and discipline of life you must come encounter with negative result, the best
thing to do is to encourage yourself and never give up in all your doing.