Why many graduates are not gainfully employed

Have you wonder why many graduates are not gainfully employed?  Do you think they are not opportune or not capable?  Which I will share with you the various reasons why graduates are not gainfully employed and one of these reason is:
 why many graduates are not gainfully employed
  1. The lack of creativity: one thing about creativity is that it leads to one invention, it is equally the secret behind ones success, it calls for one productivity, a man of creativity is a talented man who render it services in exchange of income, your talent can be a benefit to others and a reward to you, if you are creative definitely you will become a master of your world, these call for one becoming self-employed.Most of our graduates are dependent and are not creative, they dream all days with open eyes hoping for their dream job, (the job that will make them dress on coat and tie) even when it is not forth coming they keep on dreaming and wasting their precious time.Most successful men are men of creativity who render their ideal as a service to other and are being paid in return in other to succeed in life you must be creative, have a creative mindset.A creative mindset is a factor where ideals are produced, your mind is the center of creativity without creativity most of the benefits which we are enjoying today won’t come into reality, the phone, hair styles, fashions, jewelry’s, shoes and so on.You can still be the master of your world even when your dream job is not forthcoming, don’t sit and wait for opportunity instead create opportunity yourself, think of what you can do better and start developing it to be a master of yourself, you can… start something and never neglect your little beginning. read; A man who was ashamed of his background
  2. They see every little begging as humiliation. Most graduates underrate their little beginning because they want it big before they could start up something, they are too big, they don’t want people to look down on them or disrespect them, they can’t it  is a taboo to them.If you think you are too big to start something small definitely you are too small to handle something big, to handle something big you must start small, starting small will give you ideal or knowledge on how to handle something bigger than what you have started in the feature, and if you think you are too big to start something small definitely you are too small to handle something bigger.Have you wonder why most successful firm became successful today, do you think they were opportune before they started, most successful  cooperative today started from small and you don’t just start because others are starting but you ought to plain your goal strategically in other to succeed. 
  3. They are dependable:  they look on to men hence their frustration and disappointment keep increasing day by day.. those of your relations and friends who always give to you will one day change their mind towards you, most often they see you as a burden to them these might warrant insult or misunderstanding, to avoid insult think of what to do, be creative, shone  pride and start small, never neglect your little beginning even due your dream job is not forth coming try to keep your self busy.


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