A man who never sees it negativity
“A man who pay attention to it negative circumstances get distracted, a man who get distracted always sees reason why he should not succeed. Distraction tends one journey not accomplished when such an individual allow himself to be stop by it, those who never allow trial to overcome them are focused men , a focus man is a positive thinker who always sees it negativity as an opportunity.”
“A positive thinker is that person who sees reason why he/she should succeed or achieve its goal/target in life, such an individual think positively on how to achieve its goal/ target while a negative thinker always sees it impossibility, such an individual sees reasons why it is impossible of accomplishing it goal in life.”-
“A focus man is like a hunter who is determine to kill it pray which can only be killed and trap down with his gun, mere pointing his gun at it pray from afar, he focus with action towards it target with the aim of having a better result looking forward for it effective result, he pays no attention to the Menes around him which will equally bring distraction to him instead he concentrating towards it target.”-
“Like the hunter….be focus in your goal pursuit, sees reasons why you should succeed or attain towards your goal, your negative circumstances/changes can only distract you and not deprive you from succeeding; you can only succeed when you are focused, be persistence and never give up.”-
“To be Focus you must be Determine to act, it should be a personal conviction within yourself to achieve your goal, you should always think positively and see reasons while you should succeed or achieve your goal/target in life. To be focus you must not give your listening ear to any side TALK or thought because these will discourage you or make you to see your possibility as impossibility, it makes you see negativity instead of possibility. You ought to be like the brave hunter.”- read; The attributes of negative circumstances
“the man who never sees his negativity is a courageous man, to be courageous you must discipline yourself, To discipline your self is to accept the fact, the circumstances, and to stay in it,. To discipline yourself you must admit to it, ok,. Take a look at the life of job in the bile, he is a man who accept his condition, he never sees his negative circumstances,. And the outcome of his trial was victorious. I said earlier “that the negative circumstances which tend to discourage you is a trial you must admit to overcome it, when the changes confronts you, confront it,. And see the outcome”
“To be determine, you must admit,. To admit, you must be loyal to your self, to be loyal to yourself you must accept the fact and never betray yourself,. In all you must not see the negative circumstances confronting you!” because men who never see their negativity always have the chance of succeeding in their goal pursuit.
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