The force behind your commitment

Have you ever experience a sudden strong wish or desire that caused you to do something without stopping to think about the effect as a result of your decision? Do you know the force behind your motive? You where willing to embark towards your target in life as a result of the impose in you, it calls for your reaction towards your target, these reaction is a will-power which calls for one self-determination. Determination as a will-power is a sudden strong wish or desire that caused you to do something without stopping to think about the effect as a result of your self-decision. On the journey towards your attainment of goal in life, you must be determine to succeed, these call for one’s action towards it target, “a man who is not encourage will never be determine, it takes one courage to encourage himself, when a man encourage himself he see every reason why he should succeed, these call for one self-decision or self-determination in the journey towards it pursuit or attainment ...