Mission impossible

In your goal pursuit, you wonder all days the reason why you fail to succeed or achieve your target in life, it calls for one’s mission impossible when you realize that the outcome of your effort towards your target (goal) in life is not successful or accomplish, the question is these, what makes one mission impossible in the journey towards it attainment of goal? “The mission of a man towards it target in life can only be impossible when he tend to make “U turn” towards it pursuit which brought about ones mindset changing as a result of such an individual allowing his/her self to see the negative circumstances surrounding him, these negative circumstances are challenges that deprive or discourages one from achieving its goal or target in life which brought about ones un believes “O” I can’t, it is impossible! Will be mind set of a man. You can, it is possible…. to accomplish , you must belief in yourself, be determine, focus and have faith, “those who belief in themselves s...